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Dr Neil Raff Alternative Medical Advocate Why do we USE so many Drugs? - Aug 12,2013

Dr Neil Raff will discuss traditional and alternative medicine and how it can work for you the individual. The show brings you cutting edge and fundamental ways of treating and preventing many medical issues. As an audience member you can call in and get your questions aswered or if downloaded after air time contact Dr Raff directly at neil@neilraffmd.com. Further topics and concerns can be addressed to info@move2wellness.com. Dr Raff also offers Skype consultations where you can get that qualified second opinion face to face. Topics range from preventative cancer treatments to immune boosting supplements. There is no topic to small or large for Dr Raff to tackle.

cancer | detox | immune system | vitamins | prescriptions

Mind Shifter's Radio with the Forgiveness Dr Michael Ryce - Aug 12,2013

dr. michael and jeanie ryce are the founder and director of HeartLand, a self-healing center in the Ozark mountains. He is a world renowned lecturer and teacher on health and healing, with doctorates in Naturopathic Medicine and in Holistic Philosophy. The focus of his studies has combined bodymind principles, physics and ancient Aramaic studies into a unique body of pioneering work in the fields of self-healing, healing through relationships, anger and grief resolution, world peace and the inner process of Forgiveness. For more information visit www.whyagain.com

Aramaic Yshua Jesus | Spiritual New Age Metaphysical | Earth Angels Radio Blog Talk Radio New Age Talk | Michael and Jeanie Ryce | Forgiveness Consciousness Empowerment Spanish

Optimal health and wellness - Aug 12,2013

TheTRUTH / CthePower / CraizyDragon - Aug 07,2013

Freedomizer Radio Join our live chat and listen at http://www.freedomizerradio.com CthePower in YOU with Judy Lynne Cole Guest speakers are Nazar Kosmo Pankiv and Kelly Nicole Shepard, with Host Judy Lynne Cole We are currently in the planning and discussion stage for City of Light, Mount Shasta Center. Speakers: Nazar Kosmo Pankiv is a brilliant and creative intuitive master who is in the process of co-creating a City of Light through his Shift Vision. Kelly Nicole Shepard is an empath, Gatekeeper, gridworker and intuitive healer who is helping others empower themselves on the path of Ascension.http://www.ourheartenergy.com/ http://www.cityoflightmountshasta.com/ Learn how POWERFUL YOU ARE.

FreedomizerRadio The Truth CthePower | CraizyDragons Den Morgellons chemtrails Haarp | Personal Power Univeral Energy Medicine Morphic | Health Wellness Religion Propaganda | nwo tyranny political commentary

Mind Shifter's Radio with the Forgiveness Dr Michael Ryce - Aug 07,2013

dr. michael and jeanie ryce are the founder and director of HeartLand, a self-healing center in the Ozark mountains. He is a world renowned lecturer and teacher on health and healing, with doctorates in Naturopathic Medicine and in Holistic Philosophy. The focus of his studies has combined bodymind principles, physics and ancient Aramaic studies into a unique body of pioneering work in the fields of self-healing, healing through relationships, anger and grief resolution, world peace and the inner process of Forgiveness. For more information visit www.whyagain.com

Aramaic Yshua Jesus | Spiritual New Age Metaphysical | Earth Angels Radio Blog Talk Radio New Age Talk | Michael and Jeanie Ryce | Forgiveness Consciousness Empowerment Spanish

Karuna Reiki Master ~ Deborah Lloyd - Aug 07,2013

Deborah Lloyd is a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master and certified holistic therapy practitioner. She also is a licensed clinical social worker, working with a hospice agency in Asheville, NC. She grew up on a farm in rural Indiana and was stricken with polio at the age of three. To relieve fatigue from post-polio syndrome, she learned Reiki. This complementary technique led her to explore other alternative modalities. Her personal journey, along with life lessons learned along the way, is detailed in her book, Believe and it is True: A Story of Healing and Life Lessons.

Holistic Healing | Usui and Reiki Master | Author | Deborah Lloyd | Alternative Medicine

Vein Disease In The Patient Undergoing Treatment For Cancer - Aug 08,2013

Dr. Joseph Magnant is our guest today and he will be talking with us about Vein Disease and treatments as it relates to those who are undergoing treament of cancer. Dr. Magnant is a board certified vascular surgeon who has dedicated his surgical practice to a singular focus on the modern evaluation and minimally invasive treatment of venous insufficiency Dr. Joseph Magnant earned his Doctorate in Medicine and performed his General Surgery internship and residency at the Medical College of Virginia Hospitals in Richmond, Virginia. He completed his Vascular Surgery fellowship at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Hanover, New Hampshire and is certified by the American Board of Surgery in Vascular Surgery. He is an active member of The Society for Vascular Surgery, The American College of Phlebology, The Southern Association for Vascular Surgery and is also a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He practiced arterial and venous vascular surgery as part of a large multi-specialty group in Rome, Georgia for 14 years after completing his fellowship in vascular surgery in 1992. - See more at: http://www.weknowveins.com/dr-magnant.php#sthash.gBr5p0zD.dpuf

Health | Dr Magnant | vein disease | cancer | vein treatments

Medicine Women Reveal - Living On Purpose/Readings - Aug 08,2013

DISCLAIMER: The information is provided is for entertainment use only and should not be used to replace a physicians advice. These exercises and tools are not intended to replace appropriate medical care, but to enhance it. Join Brenda Bates & Jenn Tafel Medicine Women to find out why your soul is projecting your life the way that it is. We offer resolution/healing tools to help you process out lifes issues. Learn to resolve to evolve and heal instead of deal. Discussing metaphysics, energy work, spiritual investigation, transforming your life and spiritual philosophies such as Emanuel Swedenborg. Awaken and be with us on this journey. Medicine Women Reveal is LGBTQQIA-affirming. Does your pet have issues? We can help. www.mwreveal.com www.facebook.com/mwreveal @MWreveal


Creation and Manifestation of the LIFE of your dreams! - Aug 08,2013

Author of, " I am Midas Spinning Energy Into Gold: Ceremony of Abundance for Lightworkers " - Sandra Bear Davis speaks about creation,manifestation, conscious co-creation of the life of your dreams! Beginning next Thurs night 8 pm Eastern she will be sharing ceremony and teachings via Conference call classes -abit of information on that and how to participate www.meetup.com/medical-intuitive-DC Please join us for divine feminine messages of love,light and healing as New Earth Prophet hostess Sandra Bear Davis opens Sacred Space and accesses the Higher Dimensions as her higher dimensional self- Madonna of the Doves; Oracle to the 8th Dimensional Crystal Healing Palaces where th Order of the Council of Dove Goddesses Convene. Primarily the messages will be channeling of Mother Mary and other Dove/Love Goddesses and Aascended Masters but also many times the archangel Gabrelle speaks in the Sacred Space. Weekdays 10 am Thereafter you may contact her for messages , psychic reading ,intuive counsel and distance healing at her phone servce 1-888-693-8437 ext 04268117 11 am to 3 pm and 9 pm to 2 pm weekdays You are also welcomed to join healing circles in Pittsburgh PA Tues-Thurs 4 to 6 pm and join her psychic circle Wed evenings 7 pm! Seeand like her facebook page Sandrabear Davis : Appalachian Medicine Woman for more details !

manifestation | trance medium | medical intuitive | shamanic practitioner | abundance

Health and Wellness Thurday - Aug 08,2013

The Four Commandments of Cancer - Aug 09,2013

Join Dr. Weizer as he discusses ‘The Four Commandments of Cancer'. These commandments will help you to be more fully alive during the cancer journey and to gain insight into your fears and uncertainties. Having been on this journey of cancer since 1989, Dr. Weizer has had many wonderful and many terrible experiences. Although we suffer, we believe our pain is endurable. Although we are dying, we choose to live. Like the story of the velveteen rabbit, cancer will rough you up, as it makes you more real. One of his patients frequently reminds him—“I always remember what you said the first time I saw you—‘cancer is a one-way ticket to the land of no bullshit'. In his practice he has seen many people die, but he has seen almost everyone value breath and kindness. “These deep relationships with patients are so satisfying and life-enriching, for both of us. I cannot imagine practicing any other way”.

Ken Weizer NP | Providence Health | Cancer | Naturopathic medicine | Saint Vincent Hospital

Weight Loss Secrets with Dr Jack Kruse - Aug 09,2013

Dr Jack Kruse talks to me today about PPP, his formula for weight loss success. He is a neurosurgeon who is all about the Paleo diet. He has a few tips for us today about weight loss, specifically how to activate your fat burning pathway by optimizing the PPP. Today's podcast will help you better understand how to start hitting your weight loss goals and why you're hitting plateau's in your weight loss efforts. Dr. Jack Kruse is a respected neurosurgeon and CEO of Optimized Life, a health and wellness company dedicated to helping parents avoid the healthcare burdens we typically encounter as we age. He is a member of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, the Congress of Neurologic Surgeons and Management Medicine Group. View Dr. Kruses Website at Jackkruse.com

weight loss | PPP | jack kruse | obesity | paleo

TENRS SECRET NEWS then Christina England Kevin Bull - Aug 09,2013

The ‘SECRET NEWS', the NEWS BEHIND the NEWS then Christina England, Christina is a Writer and researcher on Vaccine Damages and Shaken baby syndrome Fact: Vaccinations are killing our children. Christina joins Kevin Bull with Katie (Research) re-broadcast on Free Thinking Voice [The Earth Needs Rebels Show] Re-broadcast on http://freethinkingvoice.tv on Friday the 9th of August. Re-broadcast at 12pm-2pm PST; 1pm-3pm MT; 2pm-4pm CT; 3pm-5pm EST; 8pm-10pm GMT Originally broadcast live on Free Thinking Voice - The Earth Needs Rebels Show on http://oriontalkradio.com on the 22nd of July 2013. TENRS - The Earth Needs Rebels Show Free Thinking Voice - The Earth Needs Rebels Show with Kevin Bull & Katie (Research) http://freethinkingvoice.org Email theearthneedsrebelsshow@freethinkingvoice.tv --------------------- Listen on Free Thinking Voice Radio http://freethinkingvoice.tv Monday to Sunday 7 days per week at 3pm-5pm EST; 8pm-10pm GMT. -------------------- Listen on Orion Talk Radio http:oriontalkradio.com LIVE Monday to Friday 1pm-3pm EST; 6pm-8pm GMT. LIVE Saturday 9am-11am EST; 2pm-4pm GMT. “BEST of the WEEK” [SUNDAYS ONLY] 8am-10am & 10am-12pm EST; 1pm-3pm & 3pm-5pm GMT. 2am-5am EST; 7am-10am GMT BREAKFAST SHOW RE-BROADCAST [Tuesday to Saturday] Random Show Re-Broadcast.

Vactruth | Vaccine damage | Shaken baby syndrome | Medicine and Alternative Medicine | Science

Lakota Heart -N- Soul - Aug 09,2013

Dr. Seibel Q&A w/ Scott-Vincent Borba on Mineral Cosmetics - Aug 09,2013

Dr. Mache Seibel interviews best selling author Scott-Vincent Borba. Scot has earned a solid reputation as a forward thinker & creative visionary throughout his extensive, multi-faceted career in the beauty industry. He is also the Founder of Scott-Vincent Borba, Inc, a lifestyle brand on a mission to re-invent and re-define advanced skincare through the use of mineral cosmetics. As the editor of “My Menopause™ Magazine” (which you can find on the Apple Newsstand), Dr. Mache Seibel is one of the leading voices in medicine, guiding women on how to navigate perimenopause and menopause, which can be a very confusing time in a woman's life and health. Dr. Seibel is repeatedly selected by his peers as one of the Best Doctors in America. He is a true pioneer in women's health and a Member of the Harvard Medical School faculty for 20 years. You can download the “My Menopause™ Magazine” app for free - along with the first month of the magazine at no cost as well.

Mache Seibel | Menopause | Borba | Mineral Cosmetics | Perimenopause

Psychics Gone Wild Saturday - Jethro & Katherine Douville! - Aug 10,2013

Psychic Jethro hosts Saturday at 3pm EST with Super Special Guest Certified Medical Qigong Practioner and Life Coach Katherine Douville! Free Psychic Readings - Tarot - Qigong - Chakras - Visit the Wild Web for More! www.psychicsgonewild.com Katherine Douville is a Certified Medical Qigong Practitioner, Licensed through China from The Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Qigong is an ancient and powerful healing modality. Qi (meaning energy) and Gong (meaning skill) is the “skillful movement of energy.” Qi is sometimes toxic or “stuck” - Katherines energy sessions work on the physical, emotional & spiritual levels bringing all seven energy levels into harmony. www.intuitivemind.com Jethro Smith, born gifted, has been reading professionally for over 30 years. Jethro was intensely tested and trained by metaphysical masters beginning preschool and after a near death experience in kindergarten began foreseeing the future and communicating with his friends angels and loved ones who had crossed over. www.jethrosmith.net 928-284-0437

free psychic readings | tarot | medium | qigong | paranormal

Free Energy Healing (Body Code/Emotion Code) Call-in Show - Aug 11,2013

Medicine Walk - Aug 11,2013

Welcome to our parent show Medicine Walk, live for you to share our Sundays together as we reach out into the infinite possibilities of the eternal moment. Living the principles of the 9th direction of through our hosts Ascended Masters Annique and Galan of Gaia, joined by Rain on the Earth, liaison to the Indigenous for Belvaspata share with you the daily news of the cosmic moment. That which affects all living life in your world. Intro: Piritnet by Almine

Truth | change | healing | dragons | angels

RumRadio Interview With Bob Hayward (The Thirteenth Step) - Aug 12,2013

Robert Hayward was born August 23, 1959, number nine of ten children to parents who were both the original animators for Walt Disney. In 1976 and 1977, he studied at Laguna College of Art and design, earning a scholarship to Carrara, Italy. In 1999, he was commissioned to design and build a monument for a fallen Native Firefighter, The Gregory Pacheco Memorial, in San Diego County, Ca. Robert graduated Phi Theta Kappa from Palomar College in California in 2011 and is a certified CAADAC Drug and Alcohol counselor. He completed his certification as a Trained Intervention Specialist in 2013. Robert is Ho-Chunk Indian, Member of The Native American Church Pala/La Jolla Chapter, and inspirational speaker on Indian Reservations and Treatment Centers about spirituality and recovery. He has been mentored by traditional Medicine Men and Roadmen since his youth, and is the author of the bestselling book The Thirteenth Step, a groundbreaking story on ancient ceremony, spirituality, and recovery, which tells the story of his 26 years of addiction, alcoholism, and miraculous recovery. He is taking over as CEO of Sober Ranch in September of 2013, a 67 acre remote mens drug and alcohol recovery center, utilizing the 12 step program, teachings from the Native American Church, and treating the whole person; mind, body, and spirit, going beyond just removal of the substance and more towards spiritual transformation of the entire being. soberranch.com thethirteenthstep.com, email: goodmedcn@gmail.com 619-890-2743

Alcoholics Anonymous | Alcoholics Anonymous | A A Sponsor | Rehab | Detox

The OTHER Medicine - Aug 12,2013

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