Is the 'Archangel of Death' disposing of that mustardy gas from the sky to smite the discerning, and their flocks of birds too?! The Universal Truth Evolution crew just can't have that! Tune in to find out who REALLY might be the CIA Dis-Info Agents in the alternative media mist, and who absolutely is NOT! *cough* Aaron McCollum *cough* Topics up for discussion include Crazy Collen Thomas & Mind-twirlin' Sam Mugzzi and what organically grown herbal medicine & empirically verifiable information we can use to treat their madness and bring them back to this collective reality. Requirements for the course will be remote influencing, ego-trips, narcissism, sexuality-for-sale, responsible reporting, dumb-dogmatics, and discernment. We will be taking to the proverbial streets in protest, rioting to rid the current regime of irrational rogue internet radio & television personalities! Tune in for an updated to this never-ending saga, plus many more current events in our 2nd off-the-wall, no holds barred, uncensored show - UTE 'Late Night' style! (Listener Discretion Advised)