Time to reclaim Monday Mornings!!! Statistically Monday Mornings contribute to one of the times people experience the most stress. Time for a healthy change!!! Introducing Cafecito Breaks Monday Mornings! Join Holistic Health Coaches & Medicine Women, Rosangel Perez and Ruthie Guten every Monday at 11am for a Live Cafecito Chat. Grab your cafecito/tea and lets chat... Our topic today... The Invitation... to live an authentic life Links: http://www.oriahmountaindreamer.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwYsFOQXgJs http://ruthieguten.com/blog/ https://www.facebook.com/ThePerezSistersNYC?ref=hl http://www.cafecitobreak.com/
Ruthie Guten![]()
| Monday Mornings![]()
| Rosangel Perez![]()
| Cafecito Break![]()
| the invitation![]()
Ruthie Guten