Grab your Monday Morning Coffee and tune into On the Air with Kim and Ann featuring: Kimberly Burnham, PhD - The Nerve Whisperer, doctorate in integrative medicine and teacher of sensational medicine. and Ann White - former trial attorney, turned rabbi, turned trauma chaplain - founder of The Creating Calm Network. Live Talk Show about anything from GMOs to race to sex to raising healthy children -- the world is their oyster -- no topic off limits. Call in and be part of the discussion -- and be part of the solution in making this planet healthy, loving and sustainable. Sign up for the weekly program guide so you can learn the topic du jour -- This weeks topic: BEES What happens to the sweetness when there are no bees? What does the death of so many bees mean to us as earth dwellers? And make sure you sign up for our weekly program guide to stay informed about all the cool things going on at CCN:
| Bees![]()
| Ann White![]()
| Kimberly Burnham![]()
| Agribusiness![]()