Dr. Margaret Rogers Van Coops psychic and healing talents have been recognized since her early childhood. Her leadership led her to founding Sumaris Psychic Education Centre in England. She was ordained a Minister in the United States in 1982 and officially chartered Sumaris Psychic Education Center as an active church in 1983. Her charter is under the auspices of Universal Christ Church, a multi-denominational Spiritualist organization. Dr. Margaret holds a Ph.D in Medical and Clinical Hypnotherapy and Behavioral Science from California University. In addition, she holds a degree of Doctor of Integrated Medicine. She is also a graduate of Hypnosis Motivation Institute and is licensed in the state of Arizona. Dr. Margaret has been a practicing psychic counselor and healer since childhood in London, England. She is a Fellow of the International Hypnosis Federation, member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, the Professional Board of Hypnotherapy, and also the American Counseling Assoc. Dr. Margaret is Director of E
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