Life Changing Insights with Dr. Alan Simberg with Guest Dr Daniel Twogood & Ronna Prince Dr. Dan Twogood began practicing in 1983 at the International Sports Medicine Institute in West Los Angeles where he treated athletes in the 1984 Olympics. In 1985 he opened a private practice in Apple Valley, California where he lives with his wife,and office manager Willy. He discovered the diet/pain connection for himself in 1985 and wrote his first book, No Milk in 1992. Dr. Twogood has written two books since the, How to Rid Your Body of Pain in 1996, and MSG is Everywhere in 1997. In the last ten years he has discovered more about chronic pain, what causes it, and how to eliminate chronic pain in a reasonable period of time. Lee McCormick has always lived out loud. Born into a tribe of movers and shakers, he was raised between his pioneer family's farm in Florida where his great grandparents homesteaded during the Civil War, and his Dad's Wyoming cattle ranch. The boldness of his family and the richness of his heritage made him a passionate man. In the late ‘70s and ‘80s Lee hit the road as a singer songwriter. Talk about an education, he plunged into the lifestyle head first and headstrong. His tipping point came in1997 when he (barely) woke up one day, realized he had an out-of-control drug problem and checked himself into rehab. In rehab, he had a profound awakening and set out on a personal quest to find REAL truth and healing in his life. His inward journey took him to Native American and Mesoamerican shamans and healers who opened him up to a universal view of life and a new paradigm for addiction treatment.
Dr Alan Simberg![]()
| Dr Daniel Twogood![]()
| Lee McCormick![]()
| Holistic Healing![]()
| Authors and Speakers![]()
Dr Alan Simberg