Six months ago Gia Sisson, Ma was at the top of her career. A working physician in family medicine and employee health, she become Medical Director of one of the most prestigious healthcare systems in the Philippines. She had two beautiful children. She was known across her country for her willingness to bring health to everyone and discuss the tough topics openly whether sex or preventative medicine. Suddenly she was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer- the most rare, and most often fatal form of Breast Cancer. Instead of giving up, she took to fight the breast cancer with radical surgery and 6 rounds of chemotherapy. Re-united with her husband, she focused even more on family and faith. Still, she took time and energy to not sit in self pity- but turn it into advocacy. She created #cancerlove and started talking about all the good that had come into her life because of the cancer. Already involved in online healthcare social media as a leader in Carpool Health and well respected contributor to numerous communities, she worked even harder reaching out: to patients with support, to other physicians for more understanding that she now had, to caregivers and other mothers. In short, Dr. Gia Sisson, in her journey from physician to patient continued to do more for the world of healthcare and the individuals affected while going through chemotherapy rounds for six straight months, and speaking often from half-way across the world. This week she complete her last round of chemotherapy. She is giving her first interview here, with Gail Zahtz at Health + Design. She will be talking in the compassionate honesty that is her hallmark openly about what her journey has been like- for better and worse- what we all can learn as she has, the faith and love that help her get through, and her plans now that she unbelievably survived to return to practicing medicine.
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