ENVISION THIS: Breaking free from the illusion and programing we have all been subject to while learning how to heal ourselves not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually Christie Aphrodite is the host of Soul Journeys Radio, a Holistic Health Coach, the Creator of My True Essence, and maker of organic skin care and healing products. She will share with us how she lives more connected to out spirit, to Nature, to all there is. Christie went through many illnesses and countless injuries through her upbringing and conditioning in mainstream medicine. After decades of entrusting the “professionals” in the system, she found it getting her nowhere, but sicker, ultimately leading her into a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down. In 1995 doctors told her she had 6 months to live. She took it upon herself to learn how to heal through better nutrition and clearly reaped the benefits of it completely healing herself and becoming a poster child of health, and inspiration to many, then on to help teach others how to heal themselves from all the so called incurable dis-ease they were suffering. Christies mission on SOUL JOURNEY RADIO is “to provide a safe nurturing environment to explore all sides of every issue that are often overlooked, undiscovered and ignored. Seeking an all encompassing understanding of the common problems affecting humanity as a whole and from a comprehensive understanding; develop working solutions to solve the real problems discovered. All in hopes of empowering each individual with easily implementable tools necessary to manifest a better living through an increased understanding of the body, mind and spirit connections." Christie believes, "When you quit learning, you quit living." She invites you to "join us to increase your living through learning.”
Christie Aphrodite![]()
| Soul Journey Radio![]()
| Holistic Health Coach![]()
| Healing body mind and spirit![]()
| Living through learning![]()
Christie Aphrodite